I thought I knew something about the oppression of women
around the world.
Working as a French-English interpreter, I heard testimony
in court about a gang rape in the Congo.
I interpreted the asylum interview for a young West African woman who
pleaded to remain in the U.S. to avoid female genital mutilation and a
subsequent arranged polygamous marriage to a stranger, twenty years her
senior. I was privileged to interpret
Dr. Terarai Trent’s speech to hundreds of Girl Scouts from around the world on
how she overcame poverty and exclusion from education in Zimbabwe.
This week, I read “Half the Sky” by Nicholas Kristof and
Sheryl WuDunn*. The book came out four
years ago, but with the instant “click and download” options I have now, there
are publications I’m immediately accessing that would have been consigned to a
list of “must reads” that end up taking a place in line behind other immediate
Even my firsthand exposure as an interpreter to individual
cases of abuse did not prepare me for the book’s overwhelming statistics on the
worldwide oppression of women. “Every
year, at least another 2 million girls worldwide disappear because of gender discrimination.”
We mostly think of discrimination here in the U.S. as
unequal pay or unwanted sexual advances.
The country is in shock over the story of three women chained up in a
basement in Cleveland for ten years. As
horrible as that story is, it is only a local sample of the daily victimization
of women on a worldwide scale: forced prostitution, honor killings, denial of
education, the absence of maternity care, lack of protection from HIV and
STD’s, rape and beatings as a way of life for the dominance of women by men.
Reading about all these horrors would be unendurable without
the book’s central message that when the
quality of life for women improves, it raises the whole country up. The education of girls seems to be the most
powerful solution to elevating communities and eradicating poverty. The empowerment of women increases
productivity, reduces infant mortality, and contributes to improved health and
nutrition of the entire community. I
heard a report on my car radio this week, about a study of men and women whose
brains were scanned while listening to a baby cry. As if we needed scientific confirmation that
women, and not men, are natural nurturers of human life.
This book touched a harmonic chord within my female soul
when I read that it is more effective to give small sums of money to individual
women than to throw huge sums at governments. I may not be able to identify with an
African women kept in a mud hut, forbidden to come out without her husband’s
permission, but I grin in recognition when I read that if you give that same
woman a mere $10 per month, she manages to squirrel enough away to sell a few
more crops, buy a couple of goats, and then send her children to school. Give it to the Male Head of Household, on the
other hand, and it gets spent on banana beer and prostitutes. Women take small resources and nurture them
into big results.
My daughter grew up listening to my personal evaluation of our lot in life as women: “Society is set up to
give back to men an advantage over women that they biologically lack.” We women can reproduce and nurture life. Half
the Sky tells of the violent, repressive social structures put in place to
give men control over those reproductive and nurturing capacities we have. Girls in America who don’t think much about
giving away their virginity would face stoning, forced prostitution and death
in other places on the Earth.
It makes you wonder if, by extension, questions of global
warming and the stewardship of the planet shouldn’t be predominantly handled by
women. Mother Earth has been raped long
We know that gender equality and improving the life of young
girls is one of the most effective forces for change on the planet. It’s Mother’s Day soon. I’m all for recognizing Mothers, and
empowering our girls, our future Mothers.
On Father’s Day, a banana beer should keep them happy.
*Half the Sky (Knopf,
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